Week of March 3 – 7
Regular SACS Uniform Unless Noted
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
ES |
Dr. Seuss Literacy Week |
Dr. Seuss Literacy Week |
Dr. Seuss Literacy Week |
Dr. Seuss Literacy Week |
Dr. Seuss Literacy Week OR Spirit Civvies – noon dismissal |
MS |
Spirit Civvies – noon dismissal |
HS |
Spirit Civvies (unless instructor advises differently) |
Spirit Civvies (unless instructor advises differently) |
Spirit Civvies (unless instructor advises differently) |
Spirit Civvies (unless instructor advises differently) |
No School – HS only |
All Families
We continue to seek your support in recommending exceptional individuals for the available positions that we have open for the upcoming school year. We invite you to CLICK HERE for more information on the open positions and encourage you to share this information with anyone you know that would be a great fit at our school!
In case you missed the email on Wednesday, be sure to check out the latest SACS Herald Podcast: Join Director of Strategic Advancement Brent Cooper and Director of Development Lydia Adams from the SACS Advancement Team, along with Lisa Martin, SACS parent and Spring Fling Chairperson, as they discuss everything you need to know about Spring Fling and the Annual Fund. Tickets can be purchased HERE. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of many SACS families who have already donated items for our auction. We will be accepting items through March 7th and are still in need of themed baskets, restaurant or store gift cards, and experiences.
Thinking about joining 4-H next fall and raising a livestock project? Please join us for a Livestock Project Interest Meeting, along with our regular monthly 4-H meeting next Tuesday, March 4 at 5:30pm in the Elementary Cafeteria. Current 4-H members and families will be sharing what it takes to manage an animal project and answer any questions you may have. The spring is the best time to plan for livestock projects as there are several deadlines and events that happen over the summer months. Early planning also allows 4-H to adequately plan for barn space needed to house these livestock projects. We hope to see you there!
We are aware of the recent reports of measles cases in Texas. We want to reassure you that our nurses will continue to enforce our school’s ‘No Fever’ policy and guidelines for handling all illnesses and infectious diseases as outlined in the Gold Standard Student/Parent Handbook. As always, you are welcome to reach out to our nurses with any questions. Secondary Nurse: Jenny Richey 210-340-1864 ext. 317. Elementary Nurses: Kim Lewis and Lisa Moore 210-340-1864 ext. 115. CLICK HERE for a letter from the administration.
Calendar Reminder: March 10-14 is Spring Break.
2025-2026 School Year Calendar – CLICK HERE to print out the Academic Calendar for the next school year. The Event Calendar will be shared this summer.
Elementary School
Dr. Seuss Literacy week, March 3rd – March 7th
Monday: Fox in Socks: Wear crazy socks with your regular uniform
Tuesday: Cat in the Hat: Wear Cat in the Hat hat/bow tie/paint whiskers OR any hat will do with regular uniform!
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday: Wear wacky hair with backwards/inside out chapel uniform!
Thursday: Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Wear a shirt from your favorite college with jeans!
Friday: Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet! Dress like the career you would like to have when you grow up!
**Students who select not to participate will need to wear regular uniform all week except for Friday when they may wear Spirit Civvies.
Family Friday Lunch, Friday, featuring Chick-fil-A, Friday, April 4th. Please CLICK HERE to order your April lunch. Remember, no other lunch will be available on this date, so if you do not order, please plan to pack or bring a lunch for your student. Deadline to order is Monday, March 31st @ 11:45pm.
Absences: email the office at esoffice@sachristian.org, and if due to illness please copy the nurse at esnurse@sachristian.org
Secondary School
Next week (March 3-6) is High School Interim Week. As a reminder, there is no school next Friday, March 7th for High School ONLY.
Next Friday, March 7th, is a noon dismissal for Middle School Students.
High School summer school begins May 27 and ends June 20. If you are interested in taking a high school course this summer, please look for an email on Monday, March 3.
High School Yearbook prices will increase from $78 to $88 on March 7th. Be sure to click HERE to orders yours today!
No block schedule for Middle School the week of March 3rd – 7th.
Absences, early releases, and late arrivals: email studentservices@sachristian.org.
Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Soccer Team on their Regional Win! They beat Second Baptist 11-1 yesterday and will play in the state semi-final game on Thursday, March 6th, at 3:00pm at the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex, against Brownsville St. Joseph. Way to go Lions!
The Varsity Girls Soccer Team completed their season yesterday after their Regional Game vs. Emery-Weiner High School. The girls displayed incredible effort! The game went into two overtimes and our team ended up losing after a penalty kick shootout. Congratulations on a fantastic season! Go Lions!
LionBackers Clay Shoot is on April 11, 2025, at 2pm at the National Shooting Complex. Registration is open by clicking HERE and there are early bird incentives for registering by March 1, 2025. Help your boosters support ALL athletics-related activities across campus by registering a team or signing up as a sponsor at any level. Email LionBackers if you are interested in a sponsorship or register HERE for the event.
HS Spring Sport Pictures can still be ordered. Be sure to CLICK HERE to order!
HS Spring Sport Schedules are available on the athletic website. Hover over the “Spring” tab, choose your sport, and click “Schedule”