Maurice Leitzke

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science, Evangel University;
Master of Science in Education, Southwest Baptist University;
Texas Educator Certificate Physical Education [Early Childhood thru 12th grade]

Joined SACS

August 2022

My Story

I have been married to my wife Torey for over 20 years. We have one child, our 6th grade son Dane. We love living in San Antonio. Before coming to SACS, I was a college basketball coach for 20 years and previously played professional basketball overseas for 5 years and college basketball. I have taught health and physical education classes at the University and College level for over 15 years. I have mentored numerous young coaches who are now college head coaches, and players of all ages some of whom went on to play professionally overseas and in the NBA. I am honored and privileged to work with the SACS family and help grow its Christ-centered mission.

What church do you attend?

North Rock Church in San Antonio

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?

I love the genuine sense of community at SACS. I get a lot of joy out of interacting with my students and it is a privilege to support them at a Christian School to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

What sport(s) do you coach?

Middle School Boys Basketball 6th-8th;
High School Strength and Conditioning

Favorite Bible verse

Proverbs 21:21 – “Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”

What are your hobbies and interests?

Spending time with my family, exercising, BBQing, fishing and golfing.