Jordan Sugg
Educational Background
Bachelor of Arts (History), Texas A&M University;
Master of Education (Instructional Leadership), Howard Payne University
Joined SACS
August 2018
My Story
I married Joy in 2013, and we have been blessed with 4 wonderful children. After my time in college, I joined TBarM’s Timothy Team for one discipleship year, then began my teaching career at New Braunfels Christian Academy, and I have continued that career teaching high school Bible classes here at San Antonio Christian School. The Lord’s calling on my life has always been toward ministering and discipling younger generations whether that has been through summer camps, athletics, the classroom or mission trips. I trust that my time on earth is more short-lived than I could ever realize and that what I do intentionally for His Kingdom is what brings true joy, peace and hope!
What church do you attend?
Riverside Community Church in Bulverde
What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?
I enjoy being able to speak truth and love into younger generations and helping instigate a desire to further seek and know our God, His Gospel, and His story of reality. It’s thrilling to watch students, and many times graduates, realize their meaning and purpose is truly found through faith in Jesus Christ. To be a part of that is such a blessing!
What sport(s) do you coach?
Middle School Soccer
Favorite Bible verse
Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
What are your hobbies and interests?
If at all possible, I will use any free time I have to spend time outdoors with a fly rod in hand. I also enjoy camping and adventuring around any state or national park with my family.