Jennifer Hodges

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts, Texas Lutheran University

Joined SACS

August 2013

My Story

I grew up here in San Antonio where I met my husband Mark, and we have been married for 25 years. We have three children who all have attended SACS. My daughter Rebekah, graduated from Texas A&M and has just begun PA School in Savannah, Georgia. My son Clayton is in the graduating class of 2026 at Texas A&M where he is studying Construction Science with a minor in Business. And my daughter Alli is in the graduating class of 2026 here at SACS. My family and I have loved SACS, the community, and have enjoyed seeing our children grow up here as well. SACS has not only prepared my children educationally for college but has given them a strong spiritual foundation.

What church do you attend?

CrossBridge Community Church in San Antonio

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?

I am truly blessed to work at the same school my children attend, and I love teaching students about the Lord and how they are the hands and feet of Jesus. I also love the support of the parents and staff here at SACS and the relationships we have built together. I am so blessed to be part of this community, work with a great staff, and to be able to teach students who love the Lord.

Favorite Bible verse

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

What are your hobbies and interests?

Outside of work, I enjoy reading historical fiction books, watching my daughter play softball, watching baseball and football games, and spending time with my family.