Clay Klavitter
Educational Background
BA Secondary Education/Physical Education, Arizona State University
Joined SACS
June 2022
My Story
I was born in Michigan and have lived in Arizona, California, and I’ve been in San Antonio since 2021. I grew up with the dream of playing Major League Baseball. After playing at Glendale Junior College (AZ), I was drafted and signed with the Seattle Mariners. I chased that dream for four years and although I didn’t reach the big leagues, that time was certainly a gift from God. He was preparing me for His plan of teaching and coaching. I married my wife Cherie in 2006. We had three kids when God called us to be foster/adopt parents in 2010. We fostered 13 children and were able to adopt 11 of them. I am truly blessed with an amazing wife and a big family.
What church do you attend?
Outer West Community Church in San Antonio
What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?
In our SACS community, we are all on the same mission whether we’re teaching, coaching, leading a play, leading the band, or serving in any way here. We’re here to glorify God, lead our students to spiritual growth, and encourage each other. I get the opportunity to serve alongside some great people who love the Lord. The parents are supportive, and our leadership has a clear vision.
What sport(s) do you coach?
I am the Head Varsity Baseball Coach and the Head Middle School Football Coach
Favorite Bible verse
Colossians 3:23 – “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not human masters.”
What are your hobbies and interests?
I enjoy family time by the pool, at the movies, or on vacation. I play golf, watch college and NFL football, and baseball, and enjoy visiting Oceanside, CA. Some of my favorite teams are the Michigan Wolverines, Detroit Lions, Arizona Diamondbacks, and San Diego Padres.