One Team, All In, for God’s Glory
Building Champions of Character On and Off the Field
We believe athletics is about more than just the game—it’s about glorifying God through character development, teamwork, and integrity.
Each year, many of our athletes move on to play intercollegiate athletics. While there, they succeed in the classroom, on the field, and by making a positive contribution to the campus life of the university they choose to attend. We invite you to “Join the Lion Pride” and be a part of all that SACS athletics has to offer.

SACS is committed to an athletic program that first and foremost builds Christian character.
Character that not only shows itself worthy of Christ when tested in competition, but character that shows itself worthy of Christ when tested in life.
Competitive athletics by nature creates an environment that is physically, emotionally, and personally demanding. Our prayer is that all of our student-athletes learn the following from their athletic involvement at SACS:
Athletics for all ages
SACS Competes in Two Athletic Leagues
The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) is the world’s largest private school athletic organization, with over 41,000 athletes, 6,000 coaches, and 241 schools across Texas. TAPPS commits to building leadership, fellowship, fair play, and sportsmanship of students enrolled in the organization’s member schools in the areas of academics, athletics, and fine arts by providing wholesome competition for young men and women.
The Independent School Athletic League (ISAL) is the governing body for Middle School athletics and is made up of 19 schools in San Antonio and the surrounding area. ISAL is dedicated to providing quality athletics to help prepare young people for a life of integrity and character.