SACS Alumni

Celebrating Connections, Honoring Traditions, Inspiring the Future

Alumni Legacy

For more than 50 years, San Antonio Christian School has partnered with parents who desire a Christ-centered education for their children. 

These students graduate and go into the world to make a positive impact. Log into the Alumni Portal to connect with other San Antonio Christian School graduates!

Alumni Portal

“At SACS, one of our great traditions is the pillow you’re given at graduation, which I’ve had since I was 18 years old. There are things in life that are foundational to who you are and part of foundational to who I am, was all the things I learned at SACS, and this pillow represents that.”
-Tim Kennedy, 1994

SACS Legacy Families

Many SACS Alumni choose a SACS education for their own children. Hear what Julianne Posey (Class of 2004) has to say about her family’s experience as a Legacy Family. 

“When I was a student, SACS  was a second home and place of Christian community for me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to attend SACS, and for the foundation of Truth it provided for me as I transitioned through childhood, high school, college, and now as a parent. We are so happy to be back and carrying on the legacy of a Christ-centered education for our children.”

Alumni Testimonials

Boynton Family
“As SACS Alumni, we were very excited to have our oldest daughter enroll in Kindergarten. We both have fond memories of the SACS traditions and the faculty that feel like family. SACS feels like home, and we are thrilled to share it with our girls.”
Austin Hotchkiss
“I chose to return to SACS because it feels like home. I attended this school from Kinder through 12th grade. I feel blessed to be back and I am super excited to reconnect with and serve this community. I love what this school stands for and how the people here serve one another.”
Colton Willis
“San Antonio Christian School had a lasting impact on my life growing up. Being in an environment of family, faith and community is something I want to pass down to my children as well.”
Brandon Hamner
“SACS impacted my life most through the Christian community I found here, and the grounding of my worldview. SACS was where my faith grew from a distant concept to foundation of my whole life.”
Audra Beaty
“SACS was a safe place for me to grow, question, and learn. I am thankful for the countless memories and staff members that chose to invest in me. I still recall many of the life lessons passed down to me from SACS educators, and I do not think I would love the Lord as wholly as I do now without their influence in my life.”
Jordan Sugg
“I love that the majority of my students are willing to see past my role as simply a teacher and can appreciate me as an important relationship in their life. Having students want to join me in my room when they don’t need to be there is incredibly rewarding.”