SACS Covenant Partnership
Partnering with Families to Cultivate Christ-Centered Lives
San Antonio Christian School has cultivated a very special and strong family-oriented culture that began in 1972. With over 2,500 alumni and 950 current students, our school thrives on the strong partnership between the home, church, and school. This collaboration is central to our mission of ‘fostering a life of faith and service’ within the hearts of our students. At SACS, we operate as a Covenant Christian School. This means that both the school and the families we serve share a commitment to the Judeo-Christian faith and values which are grounded in the authority of God’s Word and teachings of Jesus Christ, such as those found in Deuteronomy 11:18-20. This covenant partnership unites us in purpose as we work together to disciple and raise children to understand their identity and live out their faith in Jesus Christ.
Covenant Model vs. Missional Model of Christian Schooling
Christian schools generally follow one of two admissions models: Missional or Covenant. A Missional Christian School may likely focus on evangelism efforts while enrolling students from both believing and non-believing families to introduce them to the necessity of the Christian faith. While we admire and affirm Christian schools that are expressly evangelistic and may accept non-believing families, SACS operates as a Covenant Christian School, meaning we partner with like-minded families who are already committed followers of Jesus Christ and have demonstrated their commitment to living a life that exemplifies what the Apostle Paul describes in Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is; His good, pleasing, and perfect will.”
Our focus at SACS is on discipleship—partnering with families and churches that share our Christian beliefs to nurture our students in their personal faith journey. We see it as a special blessing when students, whether in pre-kindergarten or in high school, come to a deeper understanding of their purpose in life as followers of Jesus Christ.
SACS Admissions Criteria
As part of our commitment to the Covenant model, SACS requires that at least one parent in each family be a professing,Bible-believing Christian. This helps to ensure that the home and school are aligned in our mission to disciple students.Additionally, in the admissions process, we also request a letter of recommendation from the family’s pastor or churchleadership, confirming the family’s active involvement in a local Bible-believing church that shares our Christian values.
SACS represents a diverse Christian community with families from approximately 150 churches in the San Antonio area.This broad representation strengthens our school’s mission and fosters a vibrant Christian learning environment.
The Importance of Alignment
At SACS, we are intentional about preserving our Christian commitment. In today’s increasingly secular culture, werecognize the importance of remaining steadfast in our mission and theology. By enrolling families who are alreadyaligned with our biblical values, we minimize potential conflicts when it comes to teaching the beliefs and practices ofChristianity, ensuring that our community remains unified in its core beliefs and convictions. For example, the hiring anddevelopment of our staff, the governance of our Board of Directors, and the daily operations of the school all reflect thisCovenant commitment. It is our intent that every lesson, activity, and decision at SACS be influenced by our dedicationto providing a Christ-centered education that integrates God’s Word into every facet of school life.
In Summary
San Antonio Christian School exists to serve Bible-believing families who seek a Christ-centered education for theirchildren. We believe that understanding the school’s mission and purpose is critical for families as they considerinvesting in their child’s education and spiritual development. While no school is perfect, SACS is unapologetic in itscommitment to a biblical worldview and a discipleship-driven approach to education. We are privileged to partner withfamilies who share this commitment and look forward to the continued growth of our community in Christ