Ashleigh Smyth

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts in English and Psychology, Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa);
Higher Diploma of Education, UNISA (University of South Africa)

Joined SACS

August 2024

My Story

I was born and raised in Zimbabwe, then lived in South Africa for 12 years, before moving to America in 2016 – first in the Washington DC area, and then in San Antonio. I have been married to PJ since 1993, and we’ve had many adventures. I have worked in both education and church ministry. We have 3 fabulous sons, born and raised in Africa, 2 wonderful daughters-in-law, and one adored, American grandson. I love seeing students gain a love for a subject, and I love seeing people grow and reach their potential in discipleship. I find it a privilege to work with people.

What church do you attend?

Community Bible Church in San Antonio

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?

The community at SACS is unique and special. The expectation is excellence but within an atmosphere of grace. I love how kind and supportive the staff are, and how easy it is to enjoy the students because of the strong values and expectations upheld at the school. I also appreciate how engaged and responsive the parents are. SACS has managed to foster a genuine Christian environment, which has allowed me to flourish here.

Favorite Bible verse

Psalms 16:5-6 – “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

What are your hobbies and interests?

I love spending time with my family, usually playing disc golf or pickleball. My favorite place is the beach, and I love swimming and skiing. I love travelling the USA, and internationally to visit extended family.