Stephanie Aaron
Educational Background
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, University of Texas at San Antonio;
Texas Teacher Life Certification
Joined SACS
August 2006
My Story
I have been married to a wonderful man, Chris, since 1983. We have 3 children, Madeleine, Ben, and Caroline, and 3 children-in-love, Chad, Maggie, and Colin. From them we have been gifted with 4 beautiful grandchildren, Norah, William, Emerson, and Ellie…so far! We love to make frequent visits to see them as often as schedules permit.
What church do you attend?
CrossBridge Community Church in San Antonio
What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at SACS?
It is my privilege to help students and staff get back to work by assisting them with their technology needs. One of my favorite things is to pray with our students over technology issues that may cause them stress or items that have been misplaced. Adonai always meets us here when we pray!
Favorite Bible verse
Isaiah 40:8 – “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”
What are your hobbies and interests?
I love reading historical fiction books. My first joy, however, is spending time with my family. I also love listening to my very gifted husband play the guitar. It soothes my soul!